Masturbation And Sperm Problems

Often man sperm complain they are too clear and watery. However, unfortunately men do not realize and know what causes it. In fact, this can be caused by too frequent masturbation. Additionally, too frequent masturbation also make sperm less viscous, so even if daily sex.

So, in order to more viscous and sperm quality, you should avoid masturbation every day. But not only that, because you have to do some healthy habits such as the following to sperm quality and abundant.

Eating healthy

Your eating habits may affect the sperm count. Oily foods, sugary desserts, and caffeinated beverages can inhibit sperm count and quality. So, avoid such food habits and switching to a more healthy. Consume enough vegetables and fruits to keep your fertility.

Exercise regularly

Exercising every day, for at least 30 minutes to increase fertility. In addition, exercise can also reduce stress and create resistance to disease is stronger.

Prevent dehydration

It is suggested by experts, everyone should drink 4 liters of water a day to keep the sperm count. Selaini the fruit smoothies and yogurt also helps in increasing sperm count. One thing is for sure, men should avoid drinking caffeinated drinks too often can reduce the quality and quantity of sperm. Thus quoted from Boldsky,
Masturbation And Sperm Problems Masturbation And Sperm Problems Reviewed by Unknown on 01:21 Rating: 5
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