Healthy Eating Tips

ating is a basic requirement of everyone. The energy that the body needs to perform daily activities resulting from the food we eat every day. Therefore, we must make the food we eat is beneficial for our body.

One good way and an active role in food processing is chewing the food slowly. consume any food should be chewed slowly, because it also includes the value of courtesy, in addition to maintaining the health of our bodies.

Chewing food in the mouth of a process of destruction or softening the first before the food goes into the digestive organs. So it is highly recommended, even chewing longer, the better to lighten the work of the digestive organs.

The Dangers of Eating Too Fast
Here we describe the dangers of eating too fast and in a hurry:

1. Raise the excess weight
According to the results of health research, takes about 20 minutes to send satiety signals to the brain. So, if a person ate in a fast way it is automatically a satiety signal has not been received by the organs of the brain, when the stomach is filled with food. This has resulted in excessive weight gain.

2. Do not feel the pleasure of eating
Routine of eating is one thing that is fun and healthy. when consuming foods by slowly, it will be more enjoyable and more pronounced. nutritional content will be more easily absorbed and will then be channeled through the body.

3. Aggravate digestive performance
Digestive organs in the abdomen is the second post processing a wide range of food consumed before circulated throughout the body. If the process of the destruction of food in the mouth is not the maximum, the digestive organs will automatically work two times harder than normal performance.

4. Exacerbating the health of the body
If we look properly, there is a wide variety of healthy foods and unhealthy from the food we eat every day. If you are accustomed to eating too quickly, of course the variety of food that is not healthy to be a lot goes into the stomach or our bodies. so would risk poisoning the body continuously.

5. Increasing stress without sasdar
When eating food too quickly, it may be mind filled with thoughts of our brains are still many problems that have not found a solution. Of course, eating a fast manner without megunyah will cause unprocessed food will accumulate in the stomach. If left unchecked, the food in the digestive overload can invite various chronic diseases
Healthy Eating Tips Healthy Eating Tips Reviewed by Pak Dyent on 10:12 Rating: 5
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